Mary Herczog Fund for Metastatic Breast Cancer Financial Assistance Qualifications - The Pink Fund

Mary Herczog Fund for Metastatic Breast Cancer Financial Assistance Qualifications

We are sorry to inform you that you do not meet The Pink Fund guidelines for financial assistance.

We are sorry you MUST be a metastatic patient, and awaiting Social Security Disability, and have a household income of 500% or less of the federal poverty level, to qualify under The Pink Fund’s guidelines for additional resources. You must meet all 3 criteria for this additional funding. Please click here to return to The Pink Fund’s general funding pre-qualification guidelines to see if you qualify for general assistance. Click here to see if you qualify.


If you or a family member is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and have lost household working income, learn more about how The Pink Fund can help.

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We rely on the generosity of people like you. Donate online and help breast cancer patients in treatment pay their bills so they can concentrate on what is most important... healing.

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