Financial Help for Breast Cancer Patients - Pink Fund

Applying for Financial Help from Pink Fund

  • Patients must be in active treatment*, as defined by Pink Fund, for their breast cancer diagnosis.
  • Patients or spouse/partner must have been working at time of diagnosis, and are able to show a loss of working income due to patient’s breast cancer diagnosis. (e.g., leave of absence, reduced hours, etc.)
  • Patients must be actively undergoing treatment throughout funding.
  • Applicants must have a household income of 500% or less of the federal poverty level* based on last year’s federal tax return. SEE BELOW

*ACTIVE TREATMENT TO QUALIFY.  Active treatment is defined as the period after a positive diagnosis of breast cancer has been made (with a diagnostic biopsy), and during which therapies are being administered, including surgical procedures to remove the cancer (e.g. single or bi-lateral mastectomy, lumpectomy, axillary dissection, or sentinel node biopsy), chemotherapy or radiation.

Active treatment does not include reconstruction surgeries or long-term hormonal therapies (including Tamoxifen, Fareston, Arimidex, Aromasin, Femara, Zoladex/Lupron, Megace, and Halotestin).

  • Pink Fund is not an emergency fund and cannot provide immediate financial assistance.
  • Patients undergoing only reconstruction are not eligible.
  • Patients only receiving long-term hormonal therapies are not eligible.
  • You must provide proof of a current diagnosis via a signed, dated letter on official letterhead AND our medical information form, both completed by one of the following: Oncologist, Licensed Social Worker, Patient Advocate, or Nurse Navigator.
  • Pink Fund provides up to $3000 in financial assistance through direct bill payments over the course of 3 months ($1000/month x 3 months).
  • Possible direct bill payment includes utility bills, mortgage or rent, car or car insurance payment, and health insurance premiums.
  • Bill must be able to be paid in full to be considered. No partial payments will be made.
  • Bills in the process of collection will not be considered.
  • Applications with supporting documentation must be MAILED to P.O. Box 607, Southfield, MI 48037.
  • Pink Fund does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, gender or ethnicity.

Please be sure to click here to download the checklist before applying. The application checklist is designed to outline the necessary forms needed to apply.

FAQs and Explainer Videos

For additional FAQs and explainer videos regarding our process please visit our FAQs page

If we discover that you have falsified information on your application for funding or have withheld information regarding Pink Fund’s definition of active treatment you will be required to immediately reimburse Pink Fund for any payments administered on your behalf. Pink Fund also has the right to suspend any further payments that you have previously been awarded.


If you or a family member is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and have lost household working income, learn more about how The Pink Fund can help.

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We rely on the generosity of people like you. Donate online and help breast cancer patients in treatment pay their bills so they can concentrate on what is most important... healing.

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