Mara - The Pink Fund


Mara- Pink Fund RecipientWhen you are faced with a life-threatening illness like breast cancer, there are so many things you battle. There are the physical battles: Chemo, exhaustion, nausea, surgeries… There are emotional battles: What will happen to my family? How do I provide love and support for them when I can barely get up? How can I keep my spirits up? Then there are financial battles: Suddenly, I am not able to work and I am adding to the expenses for my household…  How can we make ends meet when our household income is cut in half and our expenses have gone up?

That is the battle that The Pink Fund helped relieve for me and my family. They became our Warriors and our Heroes. Right as our savings ran out and we were not sure how we would pay the next mortgage, right when I was going into surgery and had no clue how we would pay for it… The Pink Fund stepped in and took a pile of bills off of our plate and said, “We got this for you!”. They took care of our bills for a month so that we could breathe… It gave me peace and calm when I needed it most. It gave my husband time to focus on me and our son. It gave us the moment we needed to recognize what was most important… my health and my life… When I received their letter and read the long list of bills they would cover, I cried with relief… It was like someone waved a wand and set me free from worry to face this next step.

I will be grateful to this organization forever…They are angels on earth.

~ Mara


If you or a family member is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and have lost household working income, learn more about how The Pink Fund can help.

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We rely on the generosity of people like you. Donate online and help breast cancer patients in treatment pay their bills so they can concentrate on what is most important... healing.

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